Why Donald Trump on Twitter is Great for America!

Why Gov. Rick Scott Knew Donald Trump could win but the Media didn’t

The Governor of Florida, Rick Scott knew that Donald Trump could win the Presidency; the mainstream media did not believe it. There was not one mainstream media outlet which supported or predicted that the President -elect would have won the 2016 Presidential election. The thought of Hillary Clinton losing the Presidency, was unimaginable. The Mainstream media told us, Donald Trump could not win the Presidency, but Governor Rick Scott believed he could. Why?

What the Governor knew

Back in 2010 Rick Scott, was given absolutely no chance of winning the Governorship in the State of Florida. He was an outsider, something the elite in Washington are not fond of. The Governor did win, and was also re-elected later. Scott, who was once an outsider, sensed the same phenomena growing around the Trump campaign.

The Op-Ed by Rick Scott was published in January 2016, when Fox News was still anti-Trump!

Donald Trump had tapped on the pulse if the American people. It was not a racial movement or hate movement, as the media wanted people to believe. It was a multi-racial, cultural Phenomena which took the country by storm.

Governor Rick Scott, could feel something happening with Donald Trump’s political movement. Back in January of 2016, when NO ONE gave Trump a change; Rick Scott talked about the President-elect having his finger on the pulse of the American people.

SEE HEERE Video, The Fox News anchor is very anti-Trump

Rick Scott was right, he felt the same pulse of the people when he was an outsider

Donald Trump is not a Republican! There are still many Republicans who loath him. He is the ultimate outsider. Donald Trump stands for many of the same values as republican, but he is an independent.

Fox News, was a late comer to the Trump party, their initial plan was to derail the Trump Presidency.

Rick Scott was right! He could feel something was happening, it was the pulse of the American people. The people were looking for an outsider who spoke their language, they found it in President-elect Donald Trump. 

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