Why Donald Trump on Twitter is Great for America!

How Religious Blacks and Jews helped elect Donald Trump and why the Media missed it!

How religious Blacks and Orthodox Jews helped elect Donald Trump is one of the untold stories of the 2016 Presidential election.

On a summer day, this year, the President-Elect met with a group of African American religious leaders. What the mainstream did not know was that groups of Religious Orthodox Jews and African Americans had "numerous meetings" and conversations with Donald Trump!
Religious Blacks and Jews joined together to help elect the President, and it worked.

The bias Mainstream Media, in a failed attempt to label Donald Trump a racist, never published some of these amazing meetings. Only one meeting with African Americans received any news at all.

Blacks and Jews share a common heritage link from the Middle East and Africa, they hold conservative religious views, despite usually voting democrat.  Jews were the most vocal supporters of the civil rights movement in the 1960’s, stating in one march.
“We Jews acknowledge our link with the American Black People, so we march together” from the March on Washington.  

In one of the most amazing meetings this year, an African American Minister clothed Donald Trump in a Prayer Shawl which came directly from Israel!  Not one mainstream media news outlet put the picture on their front page.  It did not fit with their racist slander of the President-Elect.

African Americans call down Heaven for Donald Trump. Closed in Prayer Shawl from Israel

 What the Mainstream media did not tell you, is that over 20 Orthodox Jewish congregations, contributed untold Millions to the Donald Trump campaign. I know the contributors, but will not name them here.

The Black Churches hit the Street and stumped for TRUMP not Hillary!

Despite the efforts of mainstream Media to label Trump a racist, (for nearly 2 years), he still received almost 10% of the African American vote, without the support of one major Black politician! That is an amazing accomplishment. 
I have many more Trump meeting pictures with Religious Blacks and  Jews, I will share them periodically on this site.

We can say Religious Blacks and Jews helped put Donald Trump in the White House.

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