Why Donald Trump on Twitter is Great for America!

Donald Trump is NO racist…sorry White Nationalists

10 Times Donald Trump has said he wants nothing to do with the alt right (or White Nationalists). He has disowned these groups and its small movement. White supremacist groups, thought they has a champion in the President-elect. They were wrong. They bought the left-wing media lie, which stated the President-elect was a racist (or had any affinity for any racial supremacy).

These hate groups “believed” that Donald Trump was a part of their movement. Had they done their homework, they would have known that Donald Trump is a big supporter of African Americans and Jews!

Had they done their homework, they would have known Trump has just as many Jewish and African American friends as Caucasian.

Donald Trump’s inner circle (including his family) is heavily supportive of Jews and Israel.

Two of Trump’s children are married to Jews. There were more than 30 Israeli/American Jewish financiers who contributed Millions to the Donald Trump political movement.

Donald Trump is a longtime friend of Al Sharpton and Don King, these friendships span over 20 years.

The only ones shocked at the Kanye West visit to Donald Trump in New York were the Alt-right, White Supremacists and the mainstream media.

The shocked media asked Trump “How do you know Kanye”, Trump answered, “we have been friends for a long time”. What a shock to the racists who thought Donald Trump was a racist.

The South never knew Trump until he became a Political sensation. Those who know Donald, know he is NO racist. It is almost laughable to think Trump is a racist.

Donald is a NEW YORKER not a southerner. He is closely aligned with African Americans, Latinos, and Jews. The racist image was a media creation to ruin his reputation.

To the dismay of the Liberal media and local racists, Donald Trump tweeted today his commitment to Israel. This may surprise his racist followers but not those who know Donald Trump.  

Donald Trump is not a Republican, he is an independent who ran as a Republican.

Donald Trump is not racist or Alt-Right, he supports all Nationality.

The media attracted White Nationalists to Trump, they falsely (and purposely) labeling him a racist. It was a left-wing Media stunt to label Trump a bigot, they hoped it would break him, it did not.

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