Why Donald Trump on Twitter is Great for America!

Archive for January 2017

Why Liberals Hate Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s Education Pick

The one thing, that liberals hate more than Donald Trump, is religion. Anything that smells of religion, causes the liberal media and democrat party to cringe. The President elect has nominated a wonderful choice to head the education department, that choice is Betsy Devos. Despite those citing her, "lack of experience", for the position, there is a hidden agenda against her.

The New York Times which is a very anti-Christian and anti-Israel Newspaper, were one of the first to fan the liberal flames against Betsy DeVos. In a blaring headline, which was meant to rile up the anti-religious, they pointed to DeVos’ religious views.

The purpose of the article was to send a message that a strong Christian may be in Trump’s cabinet. This is taboo to liberals!

DeVos has all the credentials to be the head of education. DeVos is big on charter schools and school choice. This helps the poorest of students!

Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes has studied charter performance in urban areas and found Detroit to be a model for other communities, despite having one of the highest-poverty urban charter populations.

A group of 20 governors, including, recently sent a letter to the Senate in support of her nomination!

Betsy DeVos will fight to streamline the federal education bureaucracy, return authority back to states and local school boards, and ensure that more dollars are reaching the classroom,” they wrote.

This is all about religion not education, the lefty liberals hate religion!

Here is the leading liberal website, “Mother Jones” Headline about Betsy DeVos.

It  is clear that the liberals will do everything in their power to move the United States away from traditional values.

Stand with Donald Trump, the people’s President.

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Lying CNN Polls says most want Donald Trump off Twitter

t is no secret that the mainstream media led by CNN, would like Donald Trump off Twitter. So far, we have reported on three major Television news networks all suggesting that the President- elect stop twitting. There is always a method to this the mainstream media madness, they have an agenda against the President elect. The reason all the major media outlets want Donald Trump off Twitter, is because he speaks too much truth. They are afraid of the blunt honesty which comes from the President-elect’s tweets. They fear him.

Lying polls before the election

In a new poll, which was heavily promoted on CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC, respondents say they do not approve of Donald Trump. The poll suggests that Donald Trump has the lowest approval rating of an incoming President since Richard Nixon. They say Trump on “Twitter”, is the reason for his low approval rating. This is a big lie!

We suggest to our readers, that they take this poll with a grain of salt, disregard this nonsense. Donald Trump is tremendously popular, more than 62 million voted for him and many millions more were “intimated” into not to voting for him.

The media hates Donald’s influence on Twitter

The mainstream media hates that Donald Trump talks directly to the people.

With Donald Trump on Twitter, we have a President who speaks directly to the people. This is powerful, Trump has 20 million followers. Other politicians are now trying the same strategy, but they do not have the loyal followers, which support Trump.

There is only one Donald Trump. It is clear, the mainstream media fears Trump, he has transformed the way in which politicians speak to the public. Trump on Twitter has knocked the mainstream media to it’s knees.

Trump has cut out the middle man (the mainstream media). He is the people’s President, and we the people want him on Twitter.

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Some Republicans would love to destroy the Donald Trump Presidency

This site has made it clear, there are republicans who would love to see the Donald Trump presidency ruined. It is no secret that the President elect, is the most influential person in politics. When Donald tweets, the world listens; Trump has his finger on the pulse of the American people.

His landslide victory (and it was in fact a landslide), still has much of Washington in a state of panic.  There are many republicans who would love to see the Trump presidency fail.

Why would the GOP oppose Donald Trump?

Washington is a closed club, where outsiders are not welcomed.
The Washington elite will only welcome someone without a political background; if the person seek a lower level position. The high-profile positions, are for candidates who are closely aligned with career politicians and the media.

It is one big nasty political game, where outsiders are not allowed to play.

Donald Trump is the ultimate outsider, he came in with a brash tone, a big name, and big bucks! He is everything that the Washington elite fears.

Trump must remember he has no real friends in Washington, these people (Democrats and Republicans) have all been friends for a long time.

The enemies of Donald Trump, include, Hollywood, Republicans, Democrats, and the mainstream media.

The Trump Presidency must be protected by the people.
It is the people, who love and support Donald trump, not politicians. A Republican will try to ruin the Trump Presidency just as soon as a Democrat. May we all pray for the President elect Donald Trump.

****Don’t assume that Fox News and other Republican outlets are “Trump friendly”, they all have a bias against Donald*****.

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Liberal Media reporter tries to sneak photo of Donald Trump nominee’s notes!

How low can the liberal agenda go? it can go very, very low!

In a shocking video released yesterday, it appears that Washington Post editor Doris N Truong is caught, photographing the personal notes of Donald Trump nominee, Rex Tillerson.

This is not only unethical, it is the lowest form of “journalism”. After being grilled, on Russian ties to his business, Rex Tillerson left his notes on his table during the break.

A woman who appears to be Washington Post editor Doris N Truong, walks slyly over to Tillerson’s table, takes out her phone and snaps a photo of his notes.

Last year, Donald Trump banned the Washington Post from covering him, since they purposely use their publication, to slander him.

Donald Trump is brilliant, he is smarter than these Journalists with their Masters degrees.

Trump has Cat-Like instincts. He could sense last year, that the Washington Post was not doing ethical Journalism. 

Here is the video   

The liberals have an agenda, which is to destroy the Donald trump Presidency. This is very REAL. They are not nice people, they can be vicious.

They have a hatred towards Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the people’s President, we must stand strong with him.

The immoral liberals, have no rules. Their positions are always against any kind of morality. They do as they please. The will never get over Hillary Clinton losing in a landslide to Trump.

We stand with the President-elect Donald Trump.

Learn to reject the liberal media, and their agenda against Donald Trump.

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Media uses same old racist label to stop Trump pick, Jeff Sessions

There was a failed liberal agenda to defeat Donald Trump, the plan was to label the President-elect a racist. It failed miserable.

With the racist label, came a host of other smaller false accusations against Trump, he was called anti-Islam, anti-LGBT and misogynistic. We reported last week on this site, that it was the democrats(and mainstream media) who contrived the plot to label the President -elect a racist.

Donald Trump is not a racist, his nomination of Jeff Sessions for Attorney General is because, Sessions believes in law and order.

Sessions and the Law

Sessions believes that the legal system should be operated with a firm hand. This is good for America. This is good for law abiding citizens.

How will the liberal Media, stop Mr. Sessions?

They are using the same old trick that failed against Donald Trump, “cry racism”.

 The liberal media claims, that(supposed) racist comments by Sessions, 40 years ago, disqualifies him from the Attorney General position. Once again, the Mainstream media refuses to look at the facts, or Sessions' record.

When we look at Sessions legal record, it is clear he is no racist.

While prosecuting two known members of the KKK for the brutal murder of a 19-year-old black man in the early '80s, Sessions — who was a U.S. Attorney at the time — reportedly “insisted on the death penalty,” though the maximum sentence for the crime was life in prison.

Politico reported that:

"Sessions filed several desegregation lawsuits while he was U.S. attorney for the Southern district of Alabama and voted in favor of the extension of the Voting Rights Act in 2006.

Sessions’ vote to confirm President Barack Obama’s nomination in 2009 of the first African-American attorney general, Eric Holder."

And in an amazing statement from An African American Chief Counsel!

I say that the people making these allegations don’t know Jeff Sessions,” said William Smith, the first Republican African-American chief counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee,

Smith says that Sessions and he, shared a room on the road when travelling!

Read between the lines, this is nothing but an attempt to derail the Donald Trump Presidency. You may share this on twitter, on the right side of this page.  Thank you.

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Donald Trump, KellyAnne Conway and the dishonest Media

Thank Goodness, we have Donald Trump on Twitter, his tweets may be the last form of “real” political news coverage. This site was created with the intention of, exposing the subtle mainstream media bias against the President-elect.  We would like to thank our many thousands of readers who have share these posts! On today’s, Sunday morning political news cast “Meet the Press”, Donald Trump spokesperson, KellyAnne Conway was a guest.

After The airing, the President-elect took to Twitter to inform the public that, about 10 vital minutes of the interview was edited out.

Trump Tweets

The Media has a strong bias against President-elect, Donald Trump. This is the only site exposing “HOW”, the mainstream media is attempting to undermine, the Trump Presidency.

We are not Republican or Democrat, we simply support the President-Elect Donald Trump.

A new video 


Support the Donald Trump Presidency, it is GOOD for America!

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How the Media attacks Blacks who support Donald Trump

When the Mainstream media, concocted the plan to falsely label President-elect Donald Trump a racist; the plan included attacking Blacks who supported him. There has never been a President who has received such vile treatment, before taking office. The media has orchestrated, a full character assassination of the President-elect. It is quite an elaborate plan.

This is the ONLY site which reveals "HOW" the mainstream media plans their attack to derail the Trump Presidency. Labeling Trump a racist was only one part of the media slander. Attacking and discrediting African Americans, who have chosen to support Donald Trump, was necessary for the "Racist Trump" label to stick.

Their methodology is simple but devious, schedule interviews with African American Trump supporter, then attack the supporter.

The Black Trump supporter would appear as a “disgrace to their race”.  This is an essential part of the plan to label Trump a racist.

How the Media Tried to Destroy African American Pastor Mark Burns (A Trump Supporter)

Pastor Mark Burns, is a wonderful success story, Donald Trump befriended, the African American pastor on the campaign trail. Burns is not a rich mega TV pastor, he is a humble man of modest means.

What did Pastor Burns do to upset the Media so badly? Well, Pastor Burns claimed Trump was NOT a racist!

After this revelation, the media went into full attack mode! Watch the Video which caused the media to try and destroy him! Mark Burns said...TRUMP IS NOT A RACIST!

What were the consequences of this video? CNN dug into Mark Burns past and found that he had padded his past resume. What did they find? Minor details like “He was not in a college fraternity he claimed to be in”. And that “he was not in the Army Reserves”. That’s it! No sex scandal, No financial scandal, No embezzlement, No nothing! Just a padded resume like most of the journalists on TV. THAT IS IT!

Those minor details of his resume were spread all over the mainstream media! They vilified him for nothing but supporting Donald Trump and being Black! After Burns said Trump was not racist CNN lead an attack on him. CNN ambushed him in sucker-punch style interview. He was deemed no longer credible for minor things on his resume! The media agenda is to label Donald Trump a racist, but the plan includes ruining any African American Trump supporters!

In our Next Post, we show how the mainstream media, destroyed the reputation of another African American supporter of Donald Trump. There is a Bi-partisan agenda to ruin the Donald Trump Presidency. There is no other site like this site, we not only expose the media agenda against Donald Trump but also break down their method.

You can subscribe to our posts by email or share them below. Support the people’s President Donald Trump.

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Media lying Polls said Women would not Support Donald Trump

There were many media lies during the 2016 Presidential election, one lie was that Donald Trump would get little support from women voters. One of the tricks of the mainstream media, is announce things that “are going to happen”. It is a trick, when you say “Trump has no women supporters”, it is supposed to influence other women away from voting for him. There was a mainstream media plan to derail the Trump Presidential bid, this included FOX News.

Fake Polls

One of the tricks of the Mainstream media is to use fake polls.

Fake studies are used to sway voters. When Fox News says that, “Women are abandoning Donald Trump”, they cite a poll. These polls are often created to ruin a political campaign. Often, they have questions like, “Most women don’t like Donald Trump, do you agree?”. These types of questions lead the respondent to give the answer the pollster wants.

These fake polls survey people, most likely to give the answer the pollster would like to hear.

Despite thousands of women at Donald Trump rallies, the mainstream media told us Trump had no female support. Women would never vote for Donald Trump, we were told! What a lie.


Look at these lying Polls!


                                         There is More FOX NEWS!


One Smart Woman

There was one Woman who called it right! There was one women who said publicly that Donald Trump would win the female vote. There was one women, who said the Donald Trump/ Billy Bush video would not remove his female supporters. That person is Katrina Pierson, this brilliant woman was mistreated by the Mainstream media.  She shut he mouth of Fox News.

You cannot trust the mainstream media. The Republicans and Democrats both have an agenda against Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the people’s President. He belongs to no political Party.

Millions of women for Trump sealed the election! They were not fooled by lying Media Polls.

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Why Gov. Rick Scott Knew Donald Trump could win but the Media didn’t

The Governor of Florida, Rick Scott knew that Donald Trump could win the Presidency; the mainstream media did not believe it. There was not one mainstream media outlet which supported or predicted that the President -elect would have won the 2016 Presidential election. The thought of Hillary Clinton losing the Presidency, was unimaginable. The Mainstream media told us, Donald Trump could not win the Presidency, but Governor Rick Scott believed he could. Why?

What the Governor knew

Back in 2010 Rick Scott, was given absolutely no chance of winning the Governorship in the State of Florida. He was an outsider, something the elite in Washington are not fond of. The Governor did win, and was also re-elected later. Scott, who was once an outsider, sensed the same phenomena growing around the Trump campaign.

The Op-Ed by Rick Scott was published in January 2016, when Fox News was still anti-Trump!

Donald Trump had tapped on the pulse if the American people. It was not a racial movement or hate movement, as the media wanted people to believe. It was a multi-racial, cultural Phenomena which took the country by storm.

Governor Rick Scott, could feel something happening with Donald Trump’s political movement. Back in January of 2016, when NO ONE gave Trump a change; Rick Scott talked about the President-elect having his finger on the pulse of the American people.

SEE HEERE Video, The Fox News anchor is very anti-Trump

Rick Scott was right, he felt the same pulse of the people when he was an outsider

Donald Trump is not a Republican! There are still many Republicans who loath him. He is the ultimate outsider. Donald Trump stands for many of the same values as republican, but he is an independent.

Fox News, was a late comer to the Trump party, their initial plan was to derail the Trump Presidency.

Rick Scott was right! He could feel something was happening, it was the pulse of the American people. The people were looking for an outsider who spoke their language, they found it in President-elect Donald Trump. 

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Without Eric Trump's Charity work? Only the Children Suffer

Eric Trump, does not have to stop his charity raising involvement with St. Jude Hospital, the work he has done is wonderful. He has helped raise untold Millions for sick children, he can continue this work. To be perfectly honest, the media, Republicans and Democrat, are simply attacking Donald Trump through his son.

There is no conflict of interest, between Eric trump’s charity fund raising and a Donald Trump Presidency.

St. Jude is the real deal, I am in no way associated with the Hospital, but I do know that the work is fantastic. They are the real deal. This wonderful charity does help sick children. In an age of increasing skepticism and cynicism, St. Jude DOES what they are set up to do. They help children.

In less than 60 seconds, The Late Actor Danny Kaye, explains how this charity started 

Because of a supposed Conflict of Interest with his father’s Presidency, Eric Trump has stopped raising funds for the St. Jude Charity.  What a shame! Yet, it is quite clear he does not have to stop fund raising.

As we pointed out earlier on this website, any 1st year law student could easily prove that Eric Trump charity work does not pose any conflict of Interest with a Trump Presidency. It is an easy open and shut case.

We are not speaking of a casino, hotel, or golf course, we speak of a wonderful (over 50-year-old) charity.

Who loses out? Only the Children!

 We are certain that Eric Trump will be able to continue fund raising. It is a vindictive media and Washington insiders (including Republicans) who want to punish Donald Trump. They are attempting to  punish the President -elect for crashing the glass ceiling of the Washington Elite.

You can meet the wonderful Children of St. Jude Here  Meet the Children of St. Jude Hospital

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