Why Donald Trump on Twitter is Great for America!

How the Media attacks Blacks who support Donald Trump

When the Mainstream media, concocted the plan to falsely label President-elect Donald Trump a racist; the plan included attacking Blacks who supported him. There has never been a President who has received such vile treatment, before taking office. The media has orchestrated, a full character assassination of the President-elect. It is quite an elaborate plan.

This is the ONLY site which reveals "HOW" the mainstream media plans their attack to derail the Trump Presidency. Labeling Trump a racist was only one part of the media slander. Attacking and discrediting African Americans, who have chosen to support Donald Trump, was necessary for the "Racist Trump" label to stick.

Their methodology is simple but devious, schedule interviews with African American Trump supporter, then attack the supporter.

The Black Trump supporter would appear as a “disgrace to their race”.  This is an essential part of the plan to label Trump a racist.

How the Media Tried to Destroy African American Pastor Mark Burns (A Trump Supporter)

Pastor Mark Burns, is a wonderful success story, Donald Trump befriended, the African American pastor on the campaign trail. Burns is not a rich mega TV pastor, he is a humble man of modest means.

What did Pastor Burns do to upset the Media so badly? Well, Pastor Burns claimed Trump was NOT a racist!

After this revelation, the media went into full attack mode! Watch the Video which caused the media to try and destroy him! Mark Burns said...TRUMP IS NOT A RACIST!

What were the consequences of this video? CNN dug into Mark Burns past and found that he had padded his past resume. What did they find? Minor details like “He was not in a college fraternity he claimed to be in”. And that “he was not in the Army Reserves”. That’s it! No sex scandal, No financial scandal, No embezzlement, No nothing! Just a padded resume like most of the journalists on TV. THAT IS IT!

Those minor details of his resume were spread all over the mainstream media! They vilified him for nothing but supporting Donald Trump and being Black! After Burns said Trump was not racist CNN lead an attack on him. CNN ambushed him in sucker-punch style interview. He was deemed no longer credible for minor things on his resume! The media agenda is to label Donald Trump a racist, but the plan includes ruining any African American Trump supporters!

In our Next Post, we show how the mainstream media, destroyed the reputation of another African American supporter of Donald Trump. There is a Bi-partisan agenda to ruin the Donald Trump Presidency. There is no other site like this site, we not only expose the media agenda against Donald Trump but also break down their method.

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