The selection of General Mad Dog Mattis by President elect
Donald Trump is genius.
A strong military is what the commander in chief must establish.
Donald is appointing people(Generals) who are serious about the security of the United
States. In no way, do we say that
President Obama is not serious about security, but he never conveyed the message
that it was a priority. Donald Trump’s pick of Mad Dog Mattis for Secretary of Defense, signals that he
wants the public to know, his administration puts security first!
The United States Military was strong
under Obama but…
The United States has a powerful Military but the public
perception was that it could be tighter, and stronger. It was all in the perception.
Why does China and Russia hold military parades displaying
their Military might?
It is a symbolic message to their citizens that “We the
Government are with you” …”We will try to keep you safe as possible”.
Obama was not weak on Military action, but he never projected the perception, that the people of the United States were strong under his
Mad Dog Mattis is the real deal, he believes in an air tight
military. Donald Trump has made a terrific pick in Mattis.
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