Why Donald Trump on Twitter is Great for America!

8 Facts show Donald Trump DID win in a Landslide

The New York Times has been trying to dispute the fact that Donald Trump won the presidential election in a landslide.  I am going to offer conclusive proof that the President-Elect did in fact win on November 8th/9th in a landslide.

The most important fact of course is that he did win, this is all that matters; but I will prove it was a landslide. Donald Trump receives horrible media cover, this site sets the record straight.

I will show 8 reasons, why the President-elect's victory must be considered a landslide.  

Reason #1: The Media

The Media is a punishing force, it has the power to break Presidential candidates. One picture of a woman sitting on Gary Hart’s lap in the 1990’s ended his amazing Political Career.

The media labeled Donald Trump with the “worst” label a person could carry today, he was labeled a “Racist”.  

Being labelled a racist Is a career ender, the late sports announcer, Jimmy the Greek discovered this. A 30-year career at CBS ended with one slight racial comment.  

** Media Objective of labeling Trump a racist, was to put an immediate end to his political campaign, racism is known as the Knockout punch, fast, and effective. **

The result:

When you eliminate the “racist label", which the media fabricated against Trump, he gains millions more voters in all States! But there is more!

Donald Trump lost millions of votes from Blacks, Whites, Latinos and independents, who did not want to support a candidate who may be viewed as a racist.  


Proof! On October 30thth  a “Harper Polling” of Pennsylvania showed Trump with AN ASTONISHING 18% of the Black vote! This is astonishing, considering he was branded a racist for 2 years by mainstream media. The Media and President Obama blasted Blacks for supporting Trump!

How Liberal Racism, MEDIA and Obama stole Millions of voters from Trump:

With Blacks turning to Donald Trump in amazing numbers, President Obama made one of the most racist speeches ever by a President! He shamed and berated African Americans for supporting Trump!

Obama shouted at a Clinton rally, just weeks before the election
  If you accept the support of a Klan sympathizer, the Klan, and hesitate when asked about that support, then you’ll tolerate that support when you’re in office”

Obama came in to call Trump a racist and reprimand African Americans who were going to vote for Trump. He came to blast Blacks for thinking of voting trump; it was a media plot as well!

Amazing video shows a CNN reporter looking for “Blacks” who would identify  Donald Trump as a racist, but the African American male was a supporter of Trump!
And the CNN reporter walks away! Watch this:


Donald Trump lost literally millions of voters because of the media racist label.

Landslide Proof #2 The Access Hollywood Tape: The Access Hollywood tape was supposed to be the knockout blow which ended the Trump Presidency. One liberal newspaper said” Mark the date 10/072016, the day the Trump Presidency ended.

The media made this their number one story everyday for almost 2 weeks. Although, Trump still did very well with Women, the media label, “sexist” cost him millions of votes from males and females.

How many millions of votes did Trump lose from women who were shamed  by the media into not voting for him?

**The Proof** A Marquette University Poll conductive over 4 days showed that Donald Trump lost millions of voters. Because of the media influence over the tape.

Oct 12th WASHINGTON POST HEADLINE: Donald Trump’s poll numbers collapsed in Wisconsin after the hot-mic tape came out

The media used this tape to “sway’ women away from Donald Trump. Thankfully, most women stood with Trump, but how many millions left because of the media pushing this tape!


Donald Trump may be the 1st President elect ever, who did not have the support of the Republican or Democrat Party.  Paul Ryan and all the Republicans abandoned Donald Trump!  How many Washington Republicans disowned Donald Trump? Over 150 Republicans with significant influence disowned Trump, this should have ended his election bid!


Here are a few

Kelly Ayotte, Senator of New Hampshire

William Bennett, Former secretary of education under Ronald Reagan

Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama

Jaime Herrera Beutler, Representative of Washington

Bradley Byrne, Representative of Alabama

Jason Chaffetz, Representative of Utah

Mike Coffman, Representative of Colorado

Barbara Comstock, Representative of Virginia

Michael D. Crapo, Senator of Idaho

Dennis Daugaard, Governor of South Dakota

Rodney Davis, Representative of Illinois

Carly Fiorina, Former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard and candidate for Republican nomination

Deb Fischer, Senator of Nebraska

Jeff Flake, Senator of Arizona

Jeff Fortenberry, Representative of Nebraska

Darryl Glenn, Running for Senate from Colorado

Cory Gardner, Senator of Colorado

Scott Garrett, Representative of New Jersey

Kay Granger, Representative of Texas

Cresent Hardy, Representative of Nevada

Bill Haslam, Governor of Tennessee

Joe Heck, Representative of Nevada, running for Senate

Gary R. Herbert, Governor of Utah

Jon M. Huntsman Jr., Former governor of Utah

Will Hurd, Representative of Texas

David Jolly, Representative of Florida

John Kasich, Governor of Ohio

John Katko, Representative of New York

Steve Knight, Representative of California

Mike Lee, Senator of Utah

Frank A. LoBiondo, Representative of New Jersey

Mia Love, Representative of Utah

Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico

John McCain, Senator of Arizona

Patrick Meehan, Representative of Pennsylvania

Lisa Murkowski, Senator of Alaska

George E. Pataki, Former governor of New York

Erik Paulsen, Representative of Minnesota

Tim Pawlenty, Former governor of Minnesota

Rob Portman, Senator of Ohio

Condoleezza Rice, Former secretary of state under George W. Bush

Martha Roby, Representative of Alabama

Tom Rooney, Representative of Florida

Brian Sandoval, Governor of Nevada

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former governor of California

Mike Simpson, Representative of Idaho

Chris Stewart, Representative of Utah

Dan Sullivan, Senator of Alaska

John Thune, Senator of South Dakota and chairman of the Republican Conference

Fred Upton, Representative of Michigan

Ann Wagner, Representative of Missouri

How many millions of voters stood with the Republican Party and abandoned Donald Trump?  

How many Millions of republicans followed their republican representative and did not vote?

How many millions more voters would Trump have had if he had a little Republican support?

Landslide #4 Anti-Immigration Anti-Latino and the Media

Donald Trump was never anti-immigration, he was against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, but that did not matter to the media.  

Trump stated on numerous occasions he wanted people to come into the United States...only... LEGALLY.

The media took the immigration issue and spun it, they made Donald Trump look anti-Latino. Hillary Clinton in one of the nastiest acts, brought a former Miss Universe to one of her rallies right before election day.

 Hillary was in Florida, and the former Miss Universe spoke to the crowd, which was a good percentage Hispanic.  Regardless of what Donald Trump felt about the Miss Universe contestant gaining weight, the media used it to say Trump was anti-Latino.  


Hillary chose Florida because it was a swing state and has a large Latino population.

Instead of speaking on her weight, NBC did an interview with Alicia Machado and quickly asked, Is Donald Trump a racist”. She said “Yes, he does not like Blacks and Latinos”.

Notice the media spin! From weight to race

**This is not to knock the former Miss Universe, we have nothing bad to say about her at all. We are only showing, how all the cards were stacked unfairly against Donald Trump**

We are showing how the Media spun the weight story into an Anti-Latino story. How many millions of votes did Donald Trump lose from the media calling him anti-Latino?

Landslide # 5 Saturday Night Live used as a Hillary tool

Call it just a comedy show but the Media used Saturday Night live as a tool to demean Donald Trump after each debate.  The Donald Trump/Hillary Clinton debate spoofs have been viewed more than 40 million Times on YouTube.

After each debate, it was viewed at least 5 million times that same weekend.

This was not ONLY comedy, it was an attempt to sway the election, veiled in comedy!

Imagine if they had done the comedy fairly, knocking Hillary, as well as Donald.  Saturday night live portrayed Trump as ignorant, racist, and in other demeaning ways.

It is not just comedy, it was intended to say  “ Only a person out of touch with reality” could vote for Donald Trump.

How many millions were shamed into not voting for Donald Trump, because the media used Saturday Night live as a tool against him.

Landslide #6  Only Uneducated Whites could vote for Trump

The media created an image of the Donald Trump voter. He was White, Male, Uneducated and Racist.

This image was carefully created, it was crafted to scare away intelligent people who may be thinking of voting for Donald Trump. No one wants to be views as one of the uneducated racist.

The Media message was “Only a stupid, red neck racist could vote Trump”

Just before the election, the New York Times put out 2 very racist articles, basically letting everyone know, “Only uneducated White Males support Trump”

The New York Times headline, the day before the election.. What a racist headline!

Donald Trump’s Big Bet on Less Educated Whites



Donald Trump did not get one major Newspaper endorsement, he became (possibly) the 1st President of the modern era to have never had one major newspaper endorsement.

Landslide # 8 MONEY!
The Washington Examiner (A REPUBLICAN PUBLICATION )mocked Donald Trump because he had no Republican Donors supporting his campaign.

Here is their quote and a Fox news video The Republican donors who helped Mitt Romney raise $1 billion in 2012 have a target figure in mind for Donald Trump: zero.


Conclusion: Donald Trump's victory must be considered a landslide. He had every major media outlet against him and still won 30 States! This makes for a landslide.

He was labeled a racist, sexist and was written off. Despite all this, Donald Trump made that Map Bloody Red election night! Good for him!


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